I’ve lost my health insurance card

Hello there, I lost my health insurance card here in Tokyo a couple of days ago on Friday and I only just realized yesterday that I have lost it, went to the police box near my place that I supposedly lost it but to no luck they couldn’t find it. I read a couple of websites and articles about what documents I require although I don’t actually know where to go ? I would assume my nearest city hall ? Does anyone have some experience with losing it ? Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thanks again.

  1. If it’s national health insurance, talk to your city hall. If it’s employee’s health insurance, talk to your company’s HR.

    Basically, contact the people who gave you the card.

  2. If you’re in a city with ward offices, go to your normal local ward office. They’ll just give you a new one.

  3. Just go to the ward office or city hall and explain. It happens *all* the time (I mean, look at all the old people around here!) and they are used to dealing with it. IIRC, one city was able to issue me a replacement card on the spot, and another city sent a new card to my home address a few days later. So it does seem to vary from city to city. Anyway, no biggie. Good luck!

  4. One of the things Japan doesn’t do well is this need for card carrying. If you surrendered completely you could easily be carrying around hundreds of cards in your wallet. Getting a bit better in terms of digital, but needs work.

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