Need advice for part time job

Hello! I’ve been living in Japan since May as a study abroad student. I’ve been lurking this subreddit for a while now and I’m hoping for some advice.

I plan on staying in Japan now that my year studying is finished and I hope to work full time. I’m unable to do this until May because I won’t be awarded my bachelors degree until then.

So I’m looking for a part time job and I’ve applied to many jobs on Gaijinpot. Sadly my Japanese is still not that great I’ve been trying my best to study but I haven’t reached conversational level yet and I have a long way to go. This has made it difficult to find a job relatively quickly because I can only speak basic Japanese at the moment.

Is there any recommendations for part time jobs? I’m a native English speaker and I have experience tutoring nonnatives at my home university as well as volunteering here in Japan if that helps.

Honestly I need to find a job as soon as possible hopefully this week so any and all advice is greatly appreciated!

  1. Eikawa is probably an obvious answer.

    How basic is ‘basic’? I interact with foreigners at nearby konbini all the time, and most of them are not exactly fluent. Side benefit, your Japanese would probably improve *a lot* at a job like that. Might be worth exploring.

  2. There are factory jobs or making bento/sandwich or work in the back of the restaurant. What kind of work do foreigners in your country do? Find similar jobs.

  3. Hi, no mention of residence status(visa) but how do you expect to earn money after finishing the exchange? According to immigration you can only work part time until your school year here ends.

    If you have a less restrictive residence status then ignore this.

  4. Look for internships, already now, as companies often have a long interview process.

    My office block combini staff is half foreign… do look around as demand surely varies by the area.

    Check your uni too, my first paid job was stuffing envelopes with conferences invites.

  5. If you’re in Tokyo and are comfortable talking/singing over the phone, my workplace is hiring. It’s only part time work (afternoons/evenings) and pays around 3000 yen per hour. You can DM me for more info if you’re interested.

    Full disclosure: I receive a small bonus if someone i referred gets hired.

  6. My mate worked for Disney English and he said he was getting around 8000yen per hour singing songs and talking to kids. Only downside is that you gotta remember a whole catalogue of songs.

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