Invitation to 2023 Online Shinnnennkai :)

Hi everyone!

Nice to meet you (again) 😊

My name is Masahiko Kitaya.

How are you?

I am a Japanese language teacher and I also belong to a Japanese language learning community called Asao.

(We offer lessons and cultural events on Discord/Patreon under the name Aspiring Japanese Teachers.)

I made a post inviting you all to our 2022 Online Bounennkai last December.

Some of you might still remember me🙇

Thank you so much for taking the time to join us then. I hope you had fun!

Today, I would like to let you know that we are holding our first event of the year 2023 Online Shinnnennkai from 20:00 on Saturday 18 February JST.

It is a free online casual get-together event in a private online room, exactly the same idea as the Bounennkai.

Would you like to join us (again)?

We will be delighted to welcome you all 😊

We are organising this event for those who are interested in Japanese language and culture as well as intercultural communication.

The participants are going to be a mix of language learners and teachers from all over the world.

(Even if you are at beginners level, please do not worry. The communication will be through a mix of English and Japanese.)

Let’s have fun conversations and play language quizzes together.

(We use a system called oVice which allows us to talk to people individually or in small groups within a private room that you can pop in and out anytime.)

If you are interested, please register through the link below. We will follow up with a quiz and the link to get into the room.


It is again a very relaxed event to have fun, make new friends, celebrate the beginning the year and of course practice Japanese 😊

If you have questions, please feel free to comments below please. I will be happy to answer them like the last time.




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