What should be my next step?

Right now I’ve probably memorized a decent amount of vocabs ( I use anki mostly). Now I would like to start creating my own sentences and learn more about the grammar.

I’ve already discovered that most sentences seem to be quite simple structured. My plan is to study particles now and combine it with the vocabularies.

The question is, is it the right approach now?Or should I reconsider something, or know something before I start?

The goal is to be able to speak in a polite manner and also casual. Also to read and write ofc.

  1. Grammar is definitely the next step, but particles alone might be a difficult starting point. If I were you, I’d study grammar points and look at example sentences to learn from. That way you can see how words and grammar points are used.

    If you’re interested in polite speech, there are many set phrases that you’ll want to learn, anyway.

  2. I recommend [this series](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg9uYxuZf8x_A-vcqqyOFZu06WlhnypWj) (about the first 20 to 30 videos cover most of the basic grammar) – you may also want to turn on subtitles as the sound quality isn’t always great.

    [Tofugu](https://www.tofugu.com/japanese-grammar/) provides some excellent articles.

    I find Misa to be very informative on specific topics – she has a [Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@JapaneseAmmowithMisa/featured) and a separate [web site](https://www.japaneseammo.com/).

  3. After learning basic N5, maybe N4 grammar…i recommend just immersion as much as possible….just read, read, read content that interests you…

    Not to mention while studying you should probably be studying kanji at thhe same time…otherwise reading can be a pain

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