Teaching on a US military base

Is the only way to get a job through the DoDEA? Is it possible to get something similar to a ‘local hire’ position? I have an expired US elementary teaching license and a prefecture issued ‘Special License’ used in private schools. Would love to hear your experiences!

  1. I would recommend contacting them, the only relevant thing I have to say is hearsay from a friend who applied (and was Air Force as well), he said they’re super competitive, like 20+ apps for a position.

  2. DODEA has a website. In order to even make a profile and apply to be on the list you need to currently be a certified teacher, so if your certification is expired you cannot do it

  3. There are local hire positions, especially for things like substitute teaching, you can see a job announcement here: [https://www.usajobs.gov/job/627761500#](https://www.usajobs.gov/job/627761500#)

    But notice that the first line is: “U.S. Citizens who reside in the local commuting area and are under the applicable Status of Forces Agreement. ”

    My understanding, and I could be wrong, but to get an on-base job as a US Citizen you have to have SOFA status. To work off-base you have to have a Japanese work visa. You cannot have both.

    Local hires of US Citizens for any kind of job, not just teaching, have to already have SOFA. They can’t get it after getting hired.

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