How do you watch Japanese tv series or movies?

I have been living in Japan for the past year and a half without wanting to watch Japanese dramas or movies just because I haven’t heard of any that suited my tastes but recently I’ve found some that piqued my interest. The problem is, they all aired a while ago and the only streaming platform I have is Netflix but none of the shows/movies that I want to watch are on Netflix. Are there any websites you would recommend for Japanese TV and movies?

  1. Search for the show and where it’s being streamed? There are even apps for it. I use Filmarks

  2. The Japanese streaming services FOD (Fuji on Demand), Hulu, U-NEXT, Abema, and TVer have Japanese TV shows in addition to the ones you can find on Netflix and Amazon Prime.

  3. Tver has most shows for free for a week after air but then it’s gone. (NHK plus the same for NHK shows) Other then that, each tv network has its own pay streaming service:

    Hulu for Nihon TV (note this is different from American Hulu which shows are actually on Disney+)

    TELASA for TV Asahi

    FOD for Fuji TV

    Paravi for TBS and TV Tokyo

    I think NHK shows are available on U-next? Which also carries most HBO shows I believe.

    Other then that, some dramas/anime available on Netflix/Amazon/Disney+ etc, but variety shows are pretty slim pickings.

  4. Not streaming but you could always try your local Tsutaya. They also do rental by snail mail like OG Netflix but I think that requires a fee and I’ve never used it so I can’t vouch for it.

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