Podcast about the history of the Japanese language?

There is a great podcast called [*The History of English Podcast*](https://historyofenglishpodcast.com/) that traces English all the way back to its Proto Indo European (PIE) roots. It’s really fascinating to hear how bits and pieces of the ancient PIE vocabulary and grammar still exist in some form in modern English.

That got me wondering: are there any podcasts that dive into the roots of the Japanese language in an interesting, approachable way? I’ve searched for podcasts along those lines in English and Japanese and can’t find anything equivalent. There are plenty of excellent podcasts about Japanese history in general, but none that seem to be about the history of the language in particular.

Any suggestions (in English or Japanese) would be appreciated. Thanks!


1 comment
  1. Northern China had some mongolian/turkic language going on and it branched off into Japonic and Korean variations. Buddhism exported through Korea to Japan introduced Korean words and intonations (evident by the close linguistic elements shared between South-Eastern Korean dialect and modern Japanese).

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