Looking for some sort of resource to learn new vocab corresponding with my WaniKani level

Title. Basically, I’ve been using the core 2.3k deck that everyone always talks about, and while I think it’s well put together, I’m finding it damn near impossible to remember words / verbs involving kanji that I have yet to encounter on WaniKani.

WaniKani has been incredibly effective for me when it comes to memorizing kanji meanings/readings as well as vocab. I’m on track to complete level 29 in 2 days; I advance a level every 9 or so days. My review accuracy + long term retention with it is pretty high as well. I’ve been using it since April 2022. I’m a visual learner so the mnemonics really click with me.

So, are there good Anki decks (or other resources) I can be looking at to teach me more vocabulary specifically, using only the kanji that I’ve encountered so far in WaniKani? I’ve learned *some* vocab using the 2.3k deck, but only with words involving kanji I recognize. I actually already know a bunch of the words in it, go figure, because they were in WaniKani already. It may be easier to have it be like, maybe vocab using the first 30 levels of WaniKani’s kanji, for example. I know level 30 is a big milestone, so maybe that sort of deck already exists, if not “more vocab for level 22” “more vocab for level 23” etc etc. if I keep my pace I’ll have completed level 30 in ~2 weeks.

(Also, I know that like 200 or so of the joyo kanji aren’t on WaniKani, but from what I understand they’re really obscure ones and I figure I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it lol. That’s not too many to memorize, I can find a way (likely by making my own mnemonics).

*TLDR: I find myself unable to memorize words involving kanji I don’t recognize, so for the time being while I am memorizing the joyo kanji with WaniKani, what can I use to learn more vocab using (only) the kanji I know? Hell, it could even be like, stuff plucked from the core 2.3k deck that’s only using level 1-30 kanji. I suppose that’s something I could create myself, but if it already exists then that’s much easier*

I really appreciate any help!

  1. Satori Reader syncs with your WaniKani account (I.e. it uses only the kanji you already learned). So instead of using some pre-made Anki deck you could mine from Satori Reader stories.

  2. I’ve been using Torii SRS side by side with WK. It basically teaches 10K but you can choose to exclude all words WK already teaches you and sort to learn by JLPT level which I thought helped me to get more basic but important kana only words in as soon as possible.

    Biggest plus – its free

  3. I use core vocab deck & wanikani as well. What I usually do is just look the kanji up on wanikani & learn it a bit ahead of schedule.

  4. If you use Kitsun, there is a deck called WK Expansion Pack that is exactly what you are looking for!

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