Need help getting started??

Hello y’all! I’m currently learning french on Duolingo (Yes it’s bad but I’m broke) and decided to throw in japanese for fun. I’m starting to get more interested in Japanese and want to learn a little more seriously. What material (textbooks, dictionary, websites, etc.) would be good for self-study?

I’ve seen a lot of stuff about Genki and みんなの日本語 and I’m not sure which one would probably be best for someone like me. I’m a minor living in a pretty english-speaking town so there’s no one around me who speaks Japanese, so I’m kind of stuck on my own.

As for my current knowledge, I already know all hiragana and katakana, some *very* basic kanji (about 50-ish maybe) and can type with romaji pretty competently. I don’t have a phone so my skill with flick input is next to none. But when I did previously have a phone, I was pretty slow.

  1. The starter guide in the sidebar has info

    I did Genki and got good results. It’s a beginner textbook which is at a good level for you if you know kana. It has some vocab, some grammar, a little reading practice, and throws in some kanji, so it’s got good overall coverage.

  2. sub has a good sidebar to help with that. what i’ve started out with tho is a website called “the moe way”, and it takes you on a pretty in depth guide on starting out. one main thing it mentions that’s been very helpful is “Tae kim’s guide to japanese grammar”. super cool website that shows you a lot about japanese grammar.

    DISCLAMER: i’m just a beginner too, so this could also be a horrible way to start. idk tho 🤷

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