How to deal with so-net, NTT and building incompetence?

We recently moved to a new mansion. In our old mansion we had so-net “Hikari”, which was really fiber run to the building and DSL run to the units (it should be illegal for buildings to advertise Hikari support this way). After moving to the new unit, we find out that our HOA is in a fight with NTT to have our per-unit connections upgraded from CAT5 to a fiber connection per unit. It seems that due to that fight, NTT has marked our building as unavailable, in retaliation.

So, due to this, so-net is saying they can’t provide us with service. The building manager told us that we have fiber run to the building and it’s connected to the CAT5 per unit and that the company just needs to come confirm that. So-net says we have to talk to the sub-contractor, the sub-contractor refuses to come look. We can’t find a way to talk to a human at NTT to come look and mark us as available.

So-net is saying that they can’t provide us service and that our only option is to cancel and that if we cancel we need to pay the cancellation fee (our contract auto-renewed a few months ago).

Does anyone have any clue how to navigate this insane maze of malicious incompetence?

  1. Have you tried leaving them crappy feedback on social media sites and or Google? Companies hate that and they have people dedicated to cleaning that up by addressing the issues and getting better reviews. It worked for me in the states anyway with an internet provider.

  2. NTT are such fucks.

    We tried to get internet at our new place for two months thinking it would be easier to continue our contract.

    They kept stalling saying no technicians were available… Yeah sure for two and a half months straight.

    Jcom sent someone the day after we called.

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