Where to file for divorce?

For those of you who have divorced where did you file? Here in Japan or back in your home country? Why?

My Japanese lawyer advised me it might be better to file in the states depending on the state.

Update: Still on “vacation” with my daughter.

  1. You usually have to file where your habitual residence is, this is meant to prevent “court shopping”.

    But some countries don’t recognize divorce until you go appear in there also.

  2. You should ask a US lawyer too. You should be very careful not to be “kidnapping” your own child depending on their age and your situation. The best type of divorce is to reach an agreement with your wife then you can avoid most of the ugly.

  3. File for divorce in US. Send papers via Japan embassy to JPN wife. Also, find someone in your prior Yakuba to send JPN divorce papers to you, then send them to wife via JPN embassy. Move off the grid. Bury your tracks. Hire a private eye to look into who is looking into you. Lucky daughter gets to keep daddy.

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