References question.

I have an interview Wednesday in Melbourne. Neither of my references have been contacted yet. Should I be worried? Will JET contact them after the interview?

  1. I’m also curious what the norm is on this. Do they reach out to references before or after the interview?

  2. The only job of the people who interview you is to interview you. They have no need to do anything else or to contact anyone else.

  3. They don’t contact your references as they have the reference letter to read. And really, the reference letter is probably more of a hurdle. Proof that you’re engaged enough in society to get two people to vouch for you.

  4. If you got an interview, that means your references submitted their letters of recommendation. That’s the end of their involvement.

  5. Thanks for the insight everyone. I’m used to letters of references being contacted before or after interviews( I’m a Nanny). I was just checking to what was what so I could give them a heads up to expect a phone call or email.

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