エンディングまで、泣くんじゃない。 No crying until the ending. – Shigesato Itoi
猿も木から落ちる “Even monkeys fall from trees”
Everyone fails, even masters. You could do something correctly a million times, and you can still fail. It reminds me not to be too hard on myself when I get something wrong, as it’s not a fair reflection of my capabilities
塵も積もれば山となる。(Even dust, when piled up, can become a mountain. )
七転び八起き (ななころびやおき)
Literal translation would be fall seven times, rise up eight times. Life having ups and downs.
何かを手に入れるためには何かを失う (In order to get something, you have to lose something)
絶対大丈夫だよ!from card captor sakura, loose translation: everything will be alright. Within the story, it is a magic spell.
Translation: “Wut? For realz?”
何もせずに、むなしく一生を過ごすこと。 生きている意味を自覚することなく、ぼんやりと無自覚に一生を送ること。 酒に酔ったような、また、夢を見ているような心地で死んでいく意から。
I often wonder if I’m not doing just this.
For some reason “what” is very satisfying to hear
No crying until the ending. – Shigesato Itoi
猿も木から落ちる “Even monkeys fall from trees”
Everyone fails, even masters. You could do something correctly a million times, and you can still fail. It reminds me not to be too hard on myself when I get something wrong, as it’s not a fair reflection of my capabilities
塵も積もれば山となる。(Even dust, when piled up, can become a mountain. )