Wife wants me to buy a specific brand bag

But i tried looking online, tried calling stores and its almost impossible to find one. Its called Hermes Garden Party. Only Second hand is available.

How can i get hold of this bag, is this some mythical bag that i have to visit a retail store everyday to even see one?

Edit: It should be Garden Party not park!

  1. It sounds like it’s currently discontinued with the potential to restock in the near future.

  2. Iirc Hermes have some system where to buy bags at the store you have to show loyalty by buying a shitton of stuff there then they’ll offer to sell you a bag (not your choice, theirs). So yeah you’re not getting it from the store.

    Maybe you can get one from a reseller but if it was real it would likely be stupidly expensive, but I assume you knew that part already. Maybe your wife is testing you?

  3. You can only get it from re-sellers at a mark up. Hermes are strange when it comes to bag sales. There are some ways to get lucky so get googling but its not worth the effort imo

  4. A lot of this stuff is very seasonal and gets discontinued. I bought my wife a specific wallet (I chose), but between the few months of us talking about it and her birthday, pretty much everywhere was sold out. Finally found a single store on Rakuten with it.

    My backup plan, which I suggest, find out what is available in the new season because that might be everywhere. But as others have said, it might be a brand loyalty thing–higher end brands like Rolex do the same.

  5. I have a few Hermes bags. The garden party isn’t discontinued. Does your wife buy from Hermes? is it her first H item?

    the garden party isn’t a quota bag but as of late, H has had a shortage of stocks. You can go to the shop and ask an SA (Sales Associate) if they have one. Most likely they don’t or if they do, they also most likely won’t give it to you, since a lot of them keep bags for their regular customers who have established years of relationships with them.

    an easier route for you would be reseller sites. I recommend [Ginza Xiaoma](https://instagram.com/ginza.xiaoma?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) because they have a lot of stocks, very well-curated and 100% authentic. you can visit their shop to check out the bags in person. high markup but worth it. Another one is in Nakano Broadway, near JackRoad (watch resellers) although their stocks are limited.

    Colors also play a part in availability. Neutral colors are more expensive and more difficult to get.

    Good luck, OP! your wife is lucky! haha!

  6. Reading threads like these helps me reaffirm my love for my wife. If I was asked to buy shitty luxury goods I’d get a divorce asap

  7. 65,000 is the cheapest one I can find. A bit much for a bag, but for someone who rolls with Hermes, kind of reasonable?

  8. Your wife too?!?! At least mine is trying to buy it on her own. I only hear about her struggles lol

    According to her, you need to butter up one of the staff buy earning her lots of commision in purchases before she arranges to have one made available to you. It’s a batshit crazy system. You don’t stand a chance. The only option is to pay a premium and buy it through a middle man or second hand.

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