Why are japanese neighbors so mean?

It’s 11:30AM on a Tuesday, and NTT internet came out to install my fiber. He made some noise as he is working, and the cops got called on me for a noise complaint from “stomping.”

This is the second time the neighbor below me made the complaint and I’m disappointed.

Why i’m the middle of a Tuesday would they call the cops? When is anyone supposed to get any work done?

  1. There are a lot of untreated, mentally ill/anti social people around because of poor mental health care and access to resources. Your chances of having them as a neighbour probably increase if you live in a smaller, cheaper less desirable apartment since they probably live on welfare or low paying jobs since they’re obviously unable to function in society very well.

    That’s not a dig at you, btw. I also experienced it. We family used to live in a cheap very old concrete apartment and had the worst neighbour ever. Literally seemingly never slept and would scream at I assume video games in the night and make weird scratching sounds on the walls and play piano at 3am. We complained so many times but nothing changed and we learned from the rental company that apparently his mom was on his contract and he would never pick up his phone so they would have to call his mom and get her to tell him to stop it. I presume he was mentally Ill/disabled in some way and his mom was paying for him to live there.

    So yeah. A lot of neighbours can be really insane and either make the noise themselves or freak over anybody else making the tiniest noise. If it’s really ridiculous complaints or behaviors then there’s probably nothing you’re going to be able to do to stop it since they’re obviously unstable, bored or something is wrong with them. Just hope you get a better neighbour next time

  2. I used to get complaints about moving about at 8am. I know for a fact that the person living below me didn’t work (this was before WFH became a thing) so they were complaining just for the sake of complaining. I mean, most of the world gets up and moves around well before 8am so my neighbour was getting a pretty good deal with me living above them.

  3. Is this really the norm or are we biased towards thinking this because we only hear the bad stories?
    If it is the norm, than I think I got really lucky. My upstairs neighbor doesn’t give a shit when I play games with my friends in the middle of the night and I don’t give a shit we they do a ton of noise doing their daily workout.

  4. *Your* neighbours

    As for mine, I haven’t looked at any of them long enough to remember their faces.

  5. my downstairs neighbour didn’t even complain when somehow our bathroom flooded their whole place.

    it’s not “Japanese neihbours”, it’s those specific people

  6. Because you have ‘forced’ yourself on them by being recognized without permission, so that makes you selfish. And If you live a shitty depressed life where you’re getting berated at work, you lash out at anyone you can.

  7. Some are assholes. Some are not.

    All these neighbors complaining about noise, and yet my upstarts neighbors make tons of racket. It sounds like they are rearranging their apartment every night. Maybe I should take the “asshole approach”.

  8. Some neighbors are nice, some are assholes.

    My upstairs neighbor brought me cookies when they were renovating.

    The woman further down the street from me put *broken glass* down on her street corner to stop dogs peeing on her lamp post.

  9. You’ve based this on one experience of one neighbour?

    It’s like when people say a certain country’s food is bad because their friend went to one restaurant in Tokyo and decided they’re all bad.

  10. My Japanese neighbors are friendly. Next time your mean neighbor calls the cops on you tell them that he is using them to harass you. The police tend to take a dim view of people who make frivolous complaint calls intended to harass neighbors. You don’t have to tolerate unreasonable behavior just because they’re Japanese and you’re not. Stand up for yourself in a calm and reasonable manner.

  11. Our neighbors keep insisting on giving us pears, crab, kaki, mikan.

    How dare them.


    For perspective – do you think all neighbors in every other country are all saints?

    *People* can be mean. *Neighbors* can be unpleasant. *You* may be a lousy neighbor and not realize it (not saying this particular instance was or wasn’t).

    Take a step back. There is nothing inherently ‘Japanese’ about having overly-sensitive neighbors with cops etc. on speeddial.

  12. I feel bad and annoyed for and by mine.

    Downstairs has to listen to me drop my phone constantly and upstairs is doing who know what at 4am

  13. Neighbours everywhere are a bit random. While some areas may be particularly problematic, my experience of neighbours in the UK and Japan is not particularly different. Some were awful. Some not so bad.

    My current opposite neighbour is one of the rudest people I have ever encountered. When my friend bought the house she was told by the vendor that this chap was notoriously rude.

    But then the 85 year old lady who lives in the house after his is lovely. She always says hi to me and takes time out from tending her fields when I pass. She’s given me various fruit and vegetables and introduced me to other members of her family who are visiting. When she heard I worked nights (UK time zone) she ganbatte’d me. And so on.

    Noise is very difficult because one person’s irritating noise can be something another does not notice.

  14. Never had problem with neighbours, when I just moved I usually go to neighbours and bring them something, introduce myself. Greet them when I see them and whenever I need to do something like internet construction for example I go to them to let them know there will be a bit of noise so I’m apologising in advance.

    They also do the same for me, bring vegetables from their garden and so on.

    Maybe I’m just lucky with the people that I meet too.

  15. My neighbor keeps ringing my doorbell at 11pm to chat about his adult daughter that lives overseas and about his days as a karate 5-dan 30-40 years ago. I don’t mind chatting but I wish he didn’t come over to do it at 11pm.

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