Work visa to job hunting visa

My work visa’s going to expire in about 2 months and I couldn’t find any resources about changing from a work visa to a designated activities (job hunting) visa. Google search results gave out stuff regarding student to job hunting visas, so I’m wondering if I could even convert my working visa into a job hunting one. Does anyone have any ideas on how I should go about extending my visa?

Additional info: I am currently working for an IT company in Tokyo, however, I am at a position where it is uncomfortable to stay any longer at the company, so I may not be able to get my visa extension from them.

  1. It doesn’t matter how uncomfortable it is, if you are currently employed at the company, they are legally required to provide you the documents you need for visa extension. Get your documents, apply for extension and start looking for work elsewhere.

  2. The “job hunting” status is only available to students who graduate from a Japanese university / technical college.

    You should either extend your current status or ask immigration to transition you to a temporary stay (tourist) or preparing to leave (designated activities) status.

    Please note that becoming a “temporary visitor” will probably reset the clock re: time to obtain PR.

    If you can work a bit longer, definitely better to renew, as u/arwear says.

    As you have less than 3 months left on your status, you can submit the paperwork anytime. I would suggest you do so sooner rather than later.

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