How long do you Study Japanese a day ?

I study for about 6-8 Hours currently, 6 on average. Currently finishing up Genki 2. I also use Anki quite often.

My Studys consists of following:

2 Hours of Genki 2, finishing about 1 chapter in 3 days.

2 Hours of Vocab.

1 Hour of Kanji for the appropriate Chapter I just learned, or am learning on.

1 Hour Reviewing everything I hae studied for the day.

If I study longer then 6 Hours, I try to stay productive, if I feel like I am not retaining lots of new infom I call it a day.

  1. Anywhere from 1 – 3 hours. Includes WaniKani, Anki, and reading (mining, grammar lookups).

  2. I “study” about 3-4 hours a day. But most of that study is just immersion where I’m listening to a podcast or watching a YouTube video. Actually sit down study is probably closer to an hour on average

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