Can someone please identify the fish on the far left and right? I assume one is yellow tail? Thank you!

Can someone please identify the fish on the far left and right? I assume one is yellow tail? Thank you!

  1. Def Yellowtail on the right. The one on the left is a little indiscernible, but it sort of looks like it could be Albacore tuna to me.

  2. Far right is hamachi/yellowtail. Far left is discernible. What did it taste like? If it had a smoky flavor, it could be smoked salmon. Judging by the density of the meat and color.

  3. Looks like albacore they cut today. I see ebi or shrimp, scallop, salmon, blue fine, octopus, avo, dikon radish, avocado, and yellow tail. You got all the lean cuts pretty much.

  4. From right to left, hamachi (yellowtail), avocado, maguro or akami (yellowfin or bluefin tuna), ebi (shrimp), upper orange fish is sake (salmon), bottom round white is hotate (scallop), top tentacles is tako (octopus) and bottom left looks like possibly albacore tuna

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