A compendium of Shrines offering Goshuin?

Was wondering if there is some list of shrines and temples that offer goshuin? Pretty new into collecting the stamps and would love not to use the list as a way to get stamps but to also go to some shrines that aren’t the heavy hitters and popular ones as I prefer the serenity of some of the smaller ones I’ve been to.

Living in the Kansai area but would be love one for all of Japan.

Suggestions of shrines/temples also welcome past the well known ones

  1. Seriously this will be well over a million yen to get them all. Especially since some temples have multiples.

  2. Omairiclub is what I use, it lists nearly all temples and shrines in Japan and marks which ones offer goshuin.

  3. 88 temples of Shikoku. I got them all on the pilgrimage, all put into one book. It’s a nice memento.

  4. I guess you’re leading with the express purpose of visiting smaller and lesser known shines. I’ve used these two websites before.



    Honestly though, I just make it a habit of carrying my goshuinchō whenever I go on a trip or anywhere where I think I might encounter a nice temple and shrine, and sorta just let chance and luck do the rest. Also, if I ever forget my book, you can usually ask for a loose-leaf version of the goshuin and glue it into your book later.

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