Itinerary for 1 day in Kyoto – need advice

I’m having a hard time deciding on a route for this one day in Kyoto. I’m pretty set on my other days just not this one – I am in Kyoto for 4 days.

I want to go to these places in this order but I want to check if there is a better way to do this:


**Kiyomizu Dera**

**Starbucks Coffee – Kyoto Ninenzaka Yasaka Chaya**

**Hokanji (just pics)**

**Higashiyama Jisho-ji**

**Philosopher’s Path (tentative – this is one thing I don’t care if I’ll see or not)**

**Maccha House**

**Ninenzaka/Sanneizaka (Sannenzaka)**


I didn’t want to do two cafes in a row that’s why we will come back to Ninenzaka in the afternoon and then get to explore around that time

1 comment
  1. Questions: is this your only day in Kyoto? If it is, what time are you getting in and needing to leave?

    Also, have you plotted this out on google maps or anything like that?

    Edit: this also might just be me projecting but this gives me the vibe of an itinerary where someone is just checking off boxes of names they’ve heard. I hope I’m wrong. But I’d definitely suggest to take a good hard look and try to really assess what it is you want to experience and why you’re doing things. Going to Hokanji just to take a picture of it? Why? What purpose does that serve? You’re apathetic about the Philosopher’s Path? Then why is it even on the list? Things like that are big itinerary “red flags” to me.

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