First aid instructions in Japanese

I am having one of those days where I can’t figure out if what I am looking for just doesn’t exist or I’m just completely missing with my vocabulary choice. I’d really like a basic, easy to understand, maybe illustrated first aid resource in Japanese. Just something like – you’ve cut your finger, here’s what you need to do, or, you’ve burned yourself, follow these instructions. This feels like it should exist. Am I somehow just not searching the right terms?

But then again maybe it doesn’t exist because in Japan the threshold for seeing a doctor is so low? On the bandaid site I thought I found something promising, but it tells you to go to a doctor if, after applying pressure to a cut for three minutes the bleeding hasn’t stopped. The advice in English is ten minutes. I am aware Americans are on the extreme end of adverse to doctor visits, but I don’t know that just go to the hospital is the best advice for every mishap. Can anyone point me to a good resource?

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