Tepco about to cut my gas

Managed to miss a bill and only just got the late payment in today (8th) at 8pm (the cut off is the 9th but the letter said to pay before 5pm on the 8th. Can anyone put my mind at ease and tell me they will probably receive it and not cut the gas??

  1. Are you talking about city Gas LPG, or cooking gas?

    If it’s cooking gas, good riddance, it’s cheaper to buy the cassette gas cans when you are feeling like cooking indoors, rather than having a subscription with an ever increasing price.

    If it’s city gas, like shower gas, and water heating gas… That could be a problem if you don’t like cold showers.

    I know quite a few Japanese, and gaikokujin who take cold showers no problem. You could always buy an electric heating element to heat your bath, the ones they use for palliative care.

    It doesn’t seem like a big issue.

    Just head to 711, and get the bill paid.

  2. Did you try to pay at the convenience store? Don’t take what’s written there as a final answer

  3. Did they actually say they will cut the gas? IIRC they will send at least 1 or 2 notices telling you they will cut the gas before actually doing so.

  4. If you paid the bill and they still come just show the gas guy the receipt and he won’t cut it off. They probably got your payment anyway, it usually works well past the expiry date. Also they’ll give you like two warnings before they tie some scary letter to your doorknob and that’s when they really cut it off. Finally, if they really do cut your gas you can call them and they’ll come out pretty quick to turn it back on.

    Source: was a poor student

  5. Just check their hours and give them a call first thing in the morning. They’ll check that you’ve paid in the system and cancel the cancelation order

  6. they way to move forward is pay your bill (barcode still works +1mo after expiry, and to call their hotline to tell them you intend to pay/confirm payment. even if they cut your line, your account will be put on temporary hold and right after confirming payment they will open the gas line again

    they cut your gas after three missed payments, for me I did not realize I had unresolved back payments in 2021
    got my line gas and electricity cut and had to wait 2ish hours after my call until they restored my contract

  7. even if they cut it just call sometime tomorrow and tell them you paid, they’ll check and come turn it back on pretty quick. i had mine turned off twice when i was a (dirt poor) student and it was really not too much of a pain

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