Advise please! Opinions are also appreciated

Hi! I’m right now an international student in her 20’s at a vocacional school or 専門学校 here in Tokyo.

What I’m studying is very abstract and kind of a filler up course I dare to say. Well it’s because we learn a little bit of everything and not in depth. It is called ‘entertainment production’ and the school prioritize finding jobs rather that teaching students some useful skills for the job itself. Blame me for being autistic and needing some protocols and facts but the school is very find it out by yourself attitude and I’m struggling a bit more than planned, plus the language barrier.

There are some good lectures and lectures though, I cannot complain about everything it is just that our head teacher has like the Joker vibes, sounds weird but like a man in his 40’s who’s dreams never came true and now try to encourage others but feels like the intentions are different. Not inspiring at all, apart from all the male dominant energy one can touch there, like i never though it could be that bad and even unconscious.

I’m studying here as a sponsored foreign student and as the working in Japan idea doesn’t fit in my mind yet I though of doing 3 年次編入 or enrollment from the 3er year validating the credits of my current school and with the opportunity of extending the scholarship. Talking with the school advisor, he told me that regulations have changed and now the opportunity to extend the scholarship are restricted only to national universities. The problem is that he told me that admission from the 3er year in national universities is super rare and even impossible because they don’t even have that option to begin with and as I mentioned my field of study is quite new for the educational system, leaving me with the option of 就職活動 or job hunting.

So here is my cry for help to all of you traveling souls in this virtual space, what do you recommend me to do, should I do as my school advisor suggest and start job hunting here even when my level of Japanese is the same as a kid of elementary school or should I do not give up and look for national universities willing to take an adventurer yet escapist gaijin like me?

I should mention that I don’t care to move out from Tokyo and going back to my country is still and option but everybody keep telling me that life here is better.

Thanks you so much for reading, even writing this here has helped me to kind of sort out my thoughts.

  1. i am not really sure about your question, but you are asking whether you should job hunt or go to uni?

    Somewhere in between you write that you struggle with school for reasons such as needing protocolls and wanting to learn practical (job) skills – uni is not gonna give that to you either, I think.

    but, either way, it seems you figured it out while writing, so good luck d^__^b

  2. >sounds weird but like a man in his 40’s who’s dreams never came true and now try to encourage others but feels like the intentions are different.

    I’m not sure I follow this comparison, also it’s very hard for me to read.

    A better one would be a woman in her 40s who froze her eggs, and had her dream of being a lady boss while having a career & starting a family she would not see never come true.

    Well, most of us aren’t traveling souls, we’ve decided to settle down in Japan because it is actually better than living in some Western shit hole.

    Good, you have an academic advisor, they can help with the indecisiveness of your generation some. xD

    If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, reading your post was like listening to Luna Lovegood go on about something.

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