Do you have a disaster emergency bag ready?

I’ve been in Japan for 4 years now and I still haven’t put together an emergency bag. I keep postponing it although I know I shouldn’t. Do you guys all have one and I’m the only one unprepared? Because I see that none of my Japanese friends have one so it unmotivates me. I don’t know… I feel like I should get one ready… but at the same time I procrastinate…. 🤔 I’ve been through 2 really scary earthquakes and during the first one (7.3度 Feb 13th 2020) I was taking a shit and i wasn’t even wearing clothes whe it happened so… there are many other problems beside the emergency bag… I was also living in Hitachi, Ibaraki, right on the shore an earthquake’s bff tsunami’s also there… I ended up moving after that but I still got no bag prepared lol

  1. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s keeping you from starting? If it’s become a big thing for you, start small. Put a bag of candy in a plastic bag. There you go, you have your first, albeit it simple, emergency bag. Next time you go to the store you can pick up an extra bottle of water and throw it in there. Or when you’re cleaning up and find some unused batteries, put them in the bag as well. It’s better to have something, anything at all, than nothing. Once you get started it’s a lot easier to expand it and make it better.

    Edit: And yes I have one, but I only put it together after Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Better late than never.

  2. I’ve had one basically since I had my own apartment. You can buy pre-made ones as well. I think even bigger OK Store locations sell them. I think Donki does as well. Amazon also has them. I made my own except for the first aid kit part.

  3. Yes, I’ve got one. But I only put it together after getting married, and after experiencing a flood.

    Hit up Daiso. The big ones have an emergency preparedness section. Dump all that into your shopping basket. Add some water and snacks, first aid essentials, a flashlight and phone charger and you’re done.

    Your city hall probably has a pamphlet about this. [Here]( is one I found now. You should also check your evacuation points, and know what risks are in your area.

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