Gas/Hot water issue

Hi friends, I’m having some issues with the TokyoGas panels in my kitchen and bathroom respectively.

1. The kitchen panel now automatically turns off a short period of time, when for the past 8 months it used to stay on permanently. Essentially now I have to turn on the panel whenever I want to have a shower or otherwise use hot water. Sometimes this function will also turn off mid shower or mid filling up the bath.

2. Previously I used to be able to control the hot water with either of the panels, but now I can only turn on the hot water and auto fill the bath from the kitchen panel and the bathroom one is essentially useless – it doesn’t turn on but still beeps when I press the buttons.

I had some friends over the other day so I wonder if someone has pressed a button accidentally but can’t seem to figure it out.

Grateful for any thoughts…

  1. I just had my defective Tokyo Gas panel replaced and it appears the older TG panels have a limited lifespan before they start acting up. Although I suspect it is your heater that is actually causing the issue.

    When they came out they replaced it with a new panel and heater/control unit. I can’t recall the manufacturer (Rennai), but it was no longer branded with TG.

    Might be time to call a tech to come out and look at it.


    Edit: I have two gas heaters, but the TG one was replaced by a Rennai unit.

  2. >Sometimes this function will also turn off mid shower or mid filling up the bath.

    Do you mean that the hot water turns off while you are using it and cold water starts coming out? If so, this should not happen and the hot water heater is malfunctioning.

  3. Do you take showers for long periods of time?

    A typical gas water heater for home use will activate a safety device and stop if it continues to run hot water for one hour continuously.

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