How do you guys wash your clothes?

I am just using the “Attack” detergent that I got at a drug store. My clothes are clean but smell a little after taking out of the washing machine. So I am wondering if I’m doing something wrong..?

  1. Do you clean the machine? It’s important to run an empty cycle with some カビキラー or something similar every once in a while, as mildew can build up inside and make your clothes smell funky.

  2. In general I think clothes washing product are suboptimal here (tried practically all the ones sold in my local supermarket).
    Does not help that washing machines don’t have high temperature washing programs, so basically you are diluting the dirt, not really washing.

    After many tries, I use a combination of アリエール e リフレッシュ (1 cup) and half cup of vinegar.
    It leaves clothes fresh and with a good smell (but not too strong).

  3. Wife’s best friend does marketing at a major Japanese appliance company for their washing machines. Swears Attack products are the worst for machines and clothes. No idea why so take it with a grain of salt.

    But either way I’d start with cleaning the machine first and then change your detergent.

  4. I prewash everything with as hot water as my respective apartment allows (70-80 degrees Celsius) and detergent (also use Attack like you, recently I added oxyclean for stain removal), then machinewash with detergent.

  5. Use tide. Use like anything but Japanese detergent and softener. It’s always weak sauce and expensive. If you can go on base get stuff I 100% would.

  6. I use detergent pods from Ariel. Throw one to washing machine and go back to home. Lazy to wait.

  7. You probably aren’t. Cold water washing is ok but if you want the job done properly you need it hot.

    Once a month I’ll run my clothes on a 40C or 60C cycle during the day when the sun is out (solar panels). Makes a world of difference

  8. Is it 2-in-1? It’s usually the conditioner/softener that makes it smell good. Using just plain old washing liquid might leave a bit of a wet smell.

  9. Well, if you hang your clothes indoors to dry, it’s probably where you live.

    In which case, I can suggest a deodorizing service, obviously one of the biggest scandals in Japan is the deodorizing canister for your home which costs 3000 yen, but the service in itself is 100,000 yen. However, one of your only access points to the deodorizing canisters is the third-party companies who purchase them from factory vendors.

    My money is on your dwelling smelling like shit because of mold, and humidity build-up during the summer months.

    I’ve used Attack in the past, the smell was nothing strong, mild chemical flavor. I then found the sakura ones to be better as I want my clothing to smell washed, and well… Not mildly washed.

    The deodorizing service is like fumigation for insects, and it will also help if you have insects like kamemushi excreting their hormones around your dwelling to signal other kamemushi for help. It will rid you of those insects as well because it will eliminate the hormonal smell.

  10. I use attack zero + beads scent things, then pour a bit of citric acid in the top drawer. We also periodically run an empty cycle of the kabi killer product made for washing machines.

  11. Usually I just take a bath, then after that dump some of the 3 in 1 gel detergent thingy, 3 of it to bathtub.
    Aaaand just dump all my clothes there, and some bonus workout while at it.
    Basically handwash.

    Drain, wash it once more, hang them at the place where washing machine supposed to be. Dry in 2 days, no wrinkles too.

  12. After cleaning your washing machine like recommended on other comments, put 2 small bags of magnesium balls each time you wash your clothes!
    I never had a problem of mold/bad odors anymore since I’ve been recommended to do that 8 years ago or so. I haven’t changed those bags yet.
    It looks like this:

    【メーカー認証正規販売店】 洗濯用品 洗たくマグちゃん ブルー 2個 セット マグネシウム粒 部屋干し におい 消臭 洗浄 除菌

  13. I assume you are drying the clothes inside of your home? I noticed my clothes smelled bad, so I washed them in hot water and started drying them outside and started getting much better results

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