No. of serious sex offenses in Japan rises sharply in 2022

No. of serious sex offenses in Japan rises sharply in 2022

  1. I predict this trend will continue.

    And I would happily explain why I think so…except…if I do….try to explain why I think this general trend will continue…even citing statistics and social trends….I will be not only be accused of misogyny but also of being a literal “part of the problem”.

    Far safer for me to not care and stand back and watch while it all continues.

    You are on your own and don’t look to me for help.

  2. This is the same sensational headline as the total crime one last week.

    Firstly, 2021 had historically low crime rates. 2022 was higher than 2021, but lower than every other previous year.

    For rape, yes, it was higher, even historically. Other sex crime (groping/waisetsu etc.) was in line with previous years.
    What the statistics alone don’t show is whether the detection rate is lower/higher or if the population is behaving better/worse. As the article does say, for rape the awareness and reporting/recognition is up, hence the number of crimes is up. This was a similar situation with domestic violence a couple of years ago.

    Here is the report (Japanese):


    Overall crime rates are about 80% less than 20 years ago. Read into it what you will !

    Pg 1. Of the PowerPoint graphs: Overall crime

    Pg 5. Sex crime (top two lines of the table)

    Pg 19. Stalking “Three times higher than a decade ago!!” – i believe it is because though of more awareness not a sudden influx of stalkers.

    Cyber crime seems to be an on going concern. The last page too is interesting, the results of their survey.
    A lot think Japan is getting more dangerous, even though the statistics seem to show otherwise.

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