Specific way to say I’m getting “better” without necessarily meaning I’m “good”?

It seems like when I want to translate something as getting better it becomes “上手になる” but I guess that can be ambiguous. Like in English you can specify if someones asks you if you’re any good, you could say “Well I’ve gotten beeetterrr” with weird emphasis on better. But idk if that would work in Japanese. Then I thought maybe you could say “まだ下手ですが、上手になりました。” But that seems weird to me to say you’re both 下手 and 上手 at the same time. So the final thing I thought was 前より上手になる but I’m not sure how natural that sounds. I know this is a really small question but it’s been bugging me.

  1. 進んでいます すすむ=進む

    上達しています じょうたつ=上達

  2. I felt the exact same way and had a longggg conversation about this with my Japanese friend. The conclusion was basically that this just boils down to a cultural difference. Grammatically speaking, there are ways to express the idea of “getting better,” but it’s a little awk and the most natural thing to say in this situation is 上手になる. The discomfort we feel with the phrase is ultimately just a cultural thing

  3. >Then I thought maybe you could say “まだ下手ですが、上手になりました。

    Stop trying to invent new word salad. Listen to what Japanese people say, and say that.

    This is a premade phrase in every language, and you already know what it is in Japanese: ganbaru. (Because that’s the most you can say, that you are trying. It’s not for you to judge if you are actually getting better at things.)

    There is a Dunning-Kruger effect at work here, as there is on all things, and this is language independent. All people bad at things think they are good at them when they start, and people actually good at them know they have a lot more to learn.

    Anyone who is in a conversation about their language skills, has none.

  4. I would say something like (日本語力が)ちょっと伸びたような気がします。I would check with a native to make sure it’s natural though.

  5. Native here. If you’d like to say “まだ下手ですが、上手になりました,” there’s a useful expression showing humility, “ましになった/なりました” .






    It’s unusual to say 上手になった about yourself because it can imply that you are flattering yourself. 上手になりました is a phrase used to praise/flatter someone else.

    Edit: Corrected words.

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