Weekly Weekend Thread – 18 July 2022

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. – Saturday morning/early afternoon husband and I went and got our booster shots. The centre was really empty I guess because of the weather, so we got lucky since we didn’t make an appointment (we went to one of those 誰でも places) After that, we went to get Tonkatsu for lunch at 和光 and our local little ramen shop for dinner.
    – I was fine until about 9pm, the suddenly I got a high fever (over 38) and couldn’t sleep at all Saturday night: kept on waking up (too hot/too cold, bathroom, thirsty, migraine, etc etc). It sucked. I slept probably a total of 3 hours…
    – Sunday I still felt like crap, but luckily my temperature didn’t go over 37. Stayed home and did nothing other than played on my phone and あつ森
    – since it’s a long weekend, I’ll count today as well: feeling normal again finally, gonna go to the dentist for a cleaning.

  2. Filled up the car’s tank for less than 10,000 yen. Found a place that had 176/L and also gave me 10 yen discount per liter for adding their Line QR, so it ended up being 9,444 yen.

    It still feels like getting raped, but with lube this time.

  3. UNIQLO is having a sale on t-shirts (usually 1500, now 990), so picked up a bunch of graphic tees. Their Mickey and Friends collection is really cool, and they had a Basquiat shirt I liked. Looking for a good jinbei for obon time but having trouble finding one that’s reasonably priced

  4. Husband goes back to work today after a month and a half of paternity leave, we spent yesterday cuddling with baby and playing Mario Strikers on switch. My mom is gone, his parents are gone…it’s all me. What do I do with this tiny human for 9 hours a day?

  5. Holiday… isn’t it still the weekend?

    Anyway, got my second booster saturday (pfizer), no effects. Took it easy yesterday, but did 42km bike ride this morning

  6. Went to rehabilitation again and my doctor complimented me on the progress. At least I can walk without pain now!

    I also went to want X at the theater. It was so much fun, but a sadder movie than I expected. It’s horror, it’s not sad by any means, but some of the plotlines made me sad.

  7. Spoke to my younger brother after many months on the phone, he really listens to all my BS, and still offers sensible advice.

  8. spend the weekend hanging with my friends, saying goodbye to everyone. was planning to re-visit my favorite cafes but gion matsuri had other plans.

    i can’t believe i’m leaving. i’m heartbroken but trying to convince myself this is the right choice. it feels so so weird that i won’t be in japan anymore.

  9. I spent all weekend sleeping, probably for more hours than I was awake.

    I’m tired, tired, tired. Dreading going back to work tomorrow.

  10. Got an eye infection that kept me bed ridden over my wife’s birthday. That was no bueno.

  11. Went to an onsen, outside there were the usual signs “no tattoos”. Then a Japanese guy with an arm and a leg fully covered in tattoos enter without problems. I guess the rule is just for foreigners.

  12. I tried the new momo more frappe and its actually good! And it’s Getsuyoubi already? Damn! Also I have nothing else to do but play valorant. bored as fuck!

  13. Has anyone received invitation to buy PS5 from Amazon? Already bought one from yodobashi but I want another for my friend.

  14. When it wasn’t finally raining on Sunday went to this new ramen shop in the station close to my house. 10/10

  15. Started missing the weird, obscure beer commercials in the UK (almost as bad as the perfume ones) given that Japan’s beer commercials are *always* [insert famous persons A and B] x [drink beer] x[umai!] the end.

    I thought the whole point of beer commercials was to differentiate them from the competition but they are literally all the same.

  16. Yesterday was really sunny so I went on a little bike ride around town, I’m living on the edge of Tokyo and have a lot of creeks and rivers all around and saw a bunch of kids and their families splashing about in the river, was a nice time out since the whole month was either too hot or raining, age some katsu curry, looked around some junk game items at a hard off and bought some ghibli laser disc’s, I don’t have a player but I like collecting the LD boxes


  17. Wandered around Shibuya for the first time since the start of the pandemic, forgot how many really good hole in the wall restaurants there are there. Had a really good cubano

  18. Drove up to a tiny village in the mountains. Since it’s the off season, everything was closed up, but the hiking trails were overgrown and amazing to explore! I’ll definitely be back in autumn.

  19. I applied for a new job that sounds as if it was tailor made for me. Fingers crossed.

  20. Keeping my new place spick and span. How do you clean the kitchen sink filter? Try to avoid getting food in there to begin with, but seems inevitable. The gunk gets stuck in the little square holes and the only way I’ve found was to use a toothbrush.

  21. Cant sleep because of constant J-Alert warnings about heavy rain in my area. They’re going off before gigantic thunderclap peals, strong enough to shake the house quite violently. I just spent the day mountain climbing, I’m fucking knackered, GIVE ME A BREAK!

  22. I went to Kyoto to experience the Gion Matsuri float parade for the first time. It was really cool to see them up close. Got completely ghosted by the “friend” who invited me to meet up there. Instead, I had my own fun, solo experience wandering around the market district after the parade. Stayed the night, and then went back home the next day.

  23. Got drunk on a Friday, ate brunch at a friend’s house the next morning, went to a BBQ party for lunch, a beach party in the afternoon and a nomikai in the evening on Sunday

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