I got roasted for my shitty Japanese lol

Not sure if this falls under practice, but I went into this interaction with the intention to practice.

To provide some context before this story kicks off. When I leave my work laptop I usually put on some random livestream that views a Japanese city or place or what have you, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3B8fp-Henc. My work laptops locks itself after 5 minutes of inactivity and that’s fucking annoying so I usually put this on to trick the laptop in thinking I’m active.

So I put it on because I was going to be gone for a bit and I thought: fuck it, I have nothing to do for 30 minutes. I’m going to interact with the chatters in Japanese. So I have a Japanese back and forth with 2 chatters about the weather, where I come from and where I’m going in Japan next month. And suddenly the main guy sends this: この書き方は and I’m like, that says something like: “This way of writing” so I copy paste it into Google Translate to confirm my suspicions and sure enough it means “This way of writing”. So I sit there for a good 30 seconds thinking: how the fuck should I interpret this. Shortly after I see him delete that message and the other chatter sends a high level kanji: 無礼, I can’t read this. I barely know the meaning of these 2 kanji and they don’t directly line up in my head but Google translates it to impolite. So I’m pretty sure I got called out for my shitty Japanese.

I have a long way to go. 日本語下手

I exported my chat messages for everyone to see and roast me as well 🙂

*My first message*



*I got asked about if I knew kanji*

少し漢字をわかる. 去年の12月 に日本語能力試験を合格した


*Added my level because I realized I forgot to add it above*



*Said which cities I’ll be visiting during my time in Japan*

京都と広島と東京に行きます. 3週ぐらい


*Explained why I’m studying Japanese*



*Tell them where I live in my country*



*They wanted to know how my city was called in English*

[Redacted place]と呼ばれる


*They were asking how long the flight would be*



*They were wondering about the temperature*



*Someone was commenting about it being long. I wasn’t completely sure what he meant. Distance I would have expected a different kanji but I just went with it! After this I got the infamous この書き方は*



*Before this message they went on a tangent I couldnt follow anymore so I decided to get back to work haha*



  1. > After this I got the infamous この書き方は

    You said “It’s so long. But I can’t wait. It’s my first time” and they were like

    > Uh, phrasing?

    Not even a roast, just an appreciation of your accidental dirty joke.

  2. >レベルN5

    Dang, if your N5 chatting like that, then I’m like N50! That’s pretty impressive!

  3. So like, you just passed N5, but write like a N3 at least? 😀 「上手」というじゃなく、うまくできましたよ。

    同じ and 同じぐらい take と before: 日本と同じぐらい. The rest looks good.

    無礼 means “rude”, but it’s also a bit of an exclamation. Nothing else in the conversation sounds like you got roasted so you probably didn’t.

    I think in YouTube chats Japanese people like to tease a little. I once got called out as a 受験者 and lots of おかしい, because I was studying at what seemed like crazy night hours in Japan.

  4. “オランダには日本語学校ありませんよ”

    Die zijn er zeker wel, meerdere zelfs! 😉

  5. Homie you N5 knowing all these kanji??? I need to get back to studying if this is what N5 exams have now lmaooo

  6. Wow I can understand most of what you wrote but could never produce it out of thin air

  7. i guess you should’ve said 長い旅行ですね! でも、たのしみで! 日本へ初めてです。 or something to avoid the rock eyebrow raise

  8. With all the dislike for Nihongo Jouzi in this sub I guess this is what people really wanted, right? Japanese just telling you you sucked? LOL

    All joking aside I applaud you for your bravery and I’m pretty certain they didn’t really mean to tell you that your Japanese is 下手, lol… they just don’t do that to strangers. Now if you have a guy friend who knows you well and you’ve becoming part of their inner group, hell yeah they’ll shit on you all the time.

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