Special re-entry versus normal re-entry

Hello. I am an international students. The validity of my resident card is 1 year and 3 months. It will expire this year 2023.
The website I found writes this:

If you re-enter Japan within one year (or by the expiration date of the status of residence) after leaving Japan provisionally, and continue the same activity in Japan, “special re-entry permit” is applied.
If the period of your authorized stay is more than one year, and you will leave then re-enter Japan more than one year later to continue the same activity, you must obtain a “Re-entry Permit” before you leave Japan.


My English is not very good sorry. So, my authorised stay is 1 year and 3 months. It is more than one year. But I am leaving Japan only 1 month and coming back. Also, I have only 9 months remaining for my stay in Japan.
So do I need special re-entry permission? This is what I think.

  1. You only need the re-entry permit you pickup at the airport before departure, since you are leaving for less than one year.

    The permit you apply for at immigration that costs money is for when you are leaving for over 1 year. You do not need this.

  2. Yes, if you’re away for less than 1 year, you just need the Special re-entry permit. You get it at the airport

    To explain:

    >If you re-enter Japan within one year (or by the expiration date of the status of residence) after leaving Japan

    Will you re-enter within a year? ✅

    Will you re-enter before your status expire? ✅

    This applies to you.

    > If the period of your authorized stay is more than one year, and you will leave then re-enter Japan more than one year later to continue the same activity,

    Do you have more than 1 year stay left (you have 9 months)? ❌

    Will you be away for more than one year? ❌

    One or more items does not apply to you.

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