Gas water heater very noisy during cold nights, any solutions?

Our gas heater (1.5 years old) starts on cold nights, likely to prevent damage from ice formation. The problem is that it’s mounted next to our bedroom and it’s very loud and wakes us up. If I put my hand on the internal wall of our bedroom, I can feel strong vibrations from it. We contacted the company and the rep said it was normal and suggested that leaving the bath full of water could help. We’ve tried that several times, but I can’t really tell if it’s helping or not, the heater still starts, maybe less frequent. Also, doing that “trick” means that the heater heats up all water in the tub to around 40-45 degrees which is a huge loss of energy.

We asked some companies if they could move the heater to another position or put some kind of rubber between the wall and the heater, but they said it was difficult and declined.

Any ides would be greatly appreciated!

  1. Gas heaters should be neither loud nor a source of major vibrations. Perhaps ask another company to come out and look at it (at your expense, of course) to find out whether you have a course of action against the original company.

  2. Sleep in a different room.

    They’re right in that it would require not insignificant reconstruction work to rebuild the gas piping, electrical cabling, and plumbing. You can simply unbolt it and move it somewhere else.

    As others have said, it doesn’t seem normal for a gas boiler to vibrate like that. Perhaps it is going to explode. I don’t know. It might be useful to call the gas company and tell them that you think that the gas boiler is faulty.

  3. Thanks u/Jeffrey_Friedl and u/Tannerleaf. Good to hear that it’s not normal. I’ll try to reach out to the company or ask another company as u/Jeffrey_Friedl suggested.

  4. Mine does the same, but it is not near my bedroom.
    Better that than a knackered boiler from the internals freezing though.
    New boiler will set you back ¥500,000 or so.

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