Japan failing to eliminate human trafficking in intern program | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

Japan failing to eliminate human trafficking in intern program | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis


  1. Is anyone really surprised a state-run human trafficking program has a human trafficking problem?

  2. How about all the manpower and dispatch agencies charging 50% and over commission on their employees. Thanks Koizumi.

  3. “In Tokyo, Hikariko Ono, press secretary with the Japanese Foreign Ministry, said at a July 20 news conference that it is regrettable that Japan’s efforts to combat human trafficking were not given a fair assessment.”

    What efforts? That’s basically the point, hikariko.

  4. So does the government not know or simply not care that the people on this program are basically slaves?

    Skimming through the report, seems like they know but don’t care.

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