I was decided to read my first book, but lacks several kanjis

I was searching what to read, and finally found something that got my attention, that is Michael Ende’s Momo

So I got all necessary, loaded de audiobook, the novel, and then I just realized that many words were in hiragana, because this is suposed to be a child’s book

All my hype went just down and I don’t know what to do now, because I want to see kanjis, learn, get used to them etc

Should skip the book and find another one? should keep reading? the thing is I am 100% intensive reading person and also I like re-reading before moving on. So if I was about to read the book, and get down thos words in kana, feels like that I’m wasting opportunity to learn those missing kanjis

Another option is to edit the words myself. For now, I don’t mind doing it, but reallistically thinking on doing it for the entire book… seems really tiresome

I thought jumping on Neverending Story, but I don’t know if it will turn to be the same situation

1 comment
  1. Try looking up some books on [Learn Natively](https://learnnatively.com/). It’s a website that catalogues Japanese manga, short stories, light novels, novels, and even language textbooks by difficulty based on community feedback.

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