Thinking of applying for RCS… Do you know if they provide paid leaves, pension or if they pay ALTs in August? Thank you!!

Thinking of applying for RCS… Do you know if they provide paid leaves, pension or if they pay ALTs in August? Thank you!!

  1. A decade ago i had a friend working for them. While I can’t speak for everyone who has worked with them, it was basically the worst ALT gig ive ever heard of coming from his mouth.

    Im sure you can google and search reddit for more stories.

  2. I recently applied for and accepted a position with RCS. I’m scheduled to start in April. I haven’t received all the details of my contract yet so I can’t really answer your question, but if you do apply, I would suggest asking them during the interview. I applied and interviewed with a few ALT companies and felt that RCS was pretty thorough. Of course, everyone’s situation may vary but that’s my experience so far.

  3. Worked for them five years ago. Not sure if they changed anything but this was my experience.

    The schools were great and my first manager was great. Pay was low. But we had a new manager and I was moved to a new area and that was a crap show.
    The schools were still great but the pay is exorbitantly low and you don’t get paid during the months you have a break (summer, spring, winter) and for the area I was in I still had to pay the full shakai hoken. So imagine in August when you’re probably only working a few days and only earning around 30k and then needing to pay that 30k back into your insurance so your pay slip will actually be zero. My transportation was not covered either. It was crap.

    Work life balance was ok but I was barely squeezing by and I was living alone at that time. No savings at all.

    As someone who enjoys teaching, and currently still teaching at a private elementary school now, I’d say only go to RCS if you need a way to extend your visa. Use it as a stepping stone to get somewhere else.

    But then again this was five years ago. They might have changed stuff. Better ask the interviewer these questions before signing on.

  4. I think my mate was telling me they didn’t even pay his travelling costs and this was in northern Tokyo. Fuck knows what other type of shady shit they’re doing.

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