Itinerary Check – Honeymoon for 14 days in May

Hi fellow travelers,

First time / long time. We’re currently planning our honeymoon for May – our first time visiting Japan (and my wife’s first time in Asia). We have our splurge stay booked in Hakone for near the end of our trip, but about to pull the trigger on the remaining hotels so I’m looking to crowdsource some wisdom on the order and timing in each place. RT flights to NRT are confirmed.

Our aim is to have a decent amount of time to explore Tokyo and Kyoto but also get some time outside these cities at hopefully a slower pace in Takayama (or similar) and relax in Hakone before returning home. *All this without getting too burnt out on travel.*

**Day 1:** Arrive @ NRT – low key evening getting settled

**Days 2-4:** Exploring Tokyo – this will hopefully include an afternoon at the sumo tournament.

**Day 5:** Travel to Takayama in the morning (approx. 4.5 hours) / afternoon in Takayama

**Day 6:** exploring Takayama

**Day 7:** Morning in Takayama / travel to Kyoto in afternoon (approx. 3.5 hours), evening in Kyoto

**Days 8-10:** Exploring Kyoto, potentially including half-day trips to Osaka and Nara

**Day 11**: Travel to Hakone in the morning (approx. 2 hours), afternoon exploring, evening at ryokan

**Day 12:** Hakone – sighting in the morning / afternoon and evening at ryokan

**Day 13:** Enjoy ryokan in the morning / travel back to Tokyo in afternoon for any final sights / eats

**Day 14:** Depart from NRT in the afternoon.

TIA for any guidance!

  1. Hi!

    It’s rarely just two hours between Kyoto and Odawara. Odawara is not a stop on all shinkansen, so you need to see if the one you want is going to actually stop there.

    If your Ryokan includes meals make sure you know when you have to be there for check in and if it doesn’t make sure you know where you plan to eat because restaurants in Hakone tend to close early or get booked up.

  2. What ryokan did you splurge on in Hakone? That’s the only accommodation we have left to book for our fall trip.

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