Studying Kanji with a manga I like.

I am currently using WaniKani to learn Kanji.

I tried picking up kids books to learn some basic kanji but I found them very boring so I just tried to manually learn N5 basic kanji. But I wanted to buy a manga I like to slowly slowly work through and learn kanji with. I bought Hunter x Hunter 1 bc I love the story, Although the kanji is pretty advanced, I don’t mind taking my time and slowly working through it.

Is there any study techniques I can use as I work through it? I have a notebook and I write down the new kanji there and it’s reading and meaning. Anything else that will help me?


EDIT: to clarify, I now know the N5 and quite a lot of N4 too. I just want smth to work through slowly that I find fun and like the story. Any suggestions of manga would also be welcome 😊

1 comment
  1. a lot of manga will have furigana

    If you want you can cover up the furigana with a piece of paper and try the kanji, and if it’s all unknown stuff, you can uncover it. Works with books too (assuming your books have furigana, which isn’t most books…).

    But NGL, if you don’t even know N5 basic kanji, there’s not much you can do with kanji yet. But trying doesn’t hurt, it just shows you how much you need to learn.

    Textbooks have little stories in them that you can read using the kanji you probably already know, that’s one advantage…

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