Plot of Kabuki theater play

My wife and I are traveling through Japan. The other day we went to watch a Kabuki theater show, “Kameyama no Adauchi” (“The blood revenge at Kameyama”) and, though we enjoyed it, we could not really follow the plot. We did not get the translator-help thingy for foreigners, so we had literally no clue what was going on, except for a very brief explanation we got in English on a leaflet before entering. We therefore understand there’s a villain (and we could more or less spot him on stage), and there’s a geisha, and it’s a revenge story of two brothers. But when the actors were on stage, it was hard to identify who was who and to follow the general plot. We also had to leave early (after 2.5 hours) so we could not see the ending.

After leaving the show I was interested in reading the plot online to at least understand the story and its ending, but quickly googling did not return results. I found some reference to the original story on which the play is based, but that seems quite different. I would be grateful if anyone has a link to an English translation of the plot of this play.

TL;DR: Anybody here knows where to find an English translation of the plot of this Kabuki play “Kameyama no Adauchi”?

Thanks for your help!

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