Need some advice for dual citizen with expired passport for urgent work!

Hey guys, I’m seeking some desperate help here hoping someone can make sure what I am about to do is okay?

So long story short I am an adult and I am needing to go to Japan for business reasons with my work for the duration of 2 weeks. I happen to be born in Australia and am a Australian citizen but since I am half Japanese I do have a Japanese passport (expired).

I currently have 2x passports. 1x Australian and 1x expired japanese passport.

I am flying out next week Friday, the company has booked me flights and accomodation.
Since my Japanese passport is expired, and I didn’t want to cause a hassle for my grandma in Japan to obtain me a koseki certificate, I thought to use my Aus passport for this short trip. However due to Covid, Japan requires us Aussies to apply for a business visa when going to Japan.

I visited the consulate yesterday and they informed me I am not allowed to apply for a visa since I have Japanese nationality. Dumb me didn’t know….

So, renewing my passport will take too long and I won’t be able to make my flight. (Mail from grandma sending me koseki + passport renewal will take approx 2 weeks minimum)
So The assistant gave me another option.

1. Apply for a single way certificate that gives me entrance into Japan. Certificate takes 2-3 days to make. (However, the only downside is that I can enter but cannot come back to Aus since it’s a one way certificate). Apparently it’s used for Japanese who have lost their passport and need to go back urgently, and I am allowed to apply in my case.

2. After I enter Japan, she told me to renew my passport over there. But I am a little sketched out about this as I know Japan does not like dual citizenship. Plus, I do not have any evidence of me living in Japan since I never have. So I don’t have a jiminhyou.

My question is this, how realistic is it for me to obtain a Japanese passport over there? Will they just deny me to apply for a new one since I am dual citizen? If that happens, am I going to be stuck in Japan?

Appreciate your advice!

  1. >My question is this, how realistic is it for me to obtain a Japanese passport over there?

    I think the biggest hurdle is timing, but otherwise it should be fine.

    >Will they just deny me to apply for a new one since I am dual citizen?

    They shouldn’t. You may need to fill out an additional form as a non-resident. How long ago did your passport expire? If it was less than 6 months ago then you can still use it as legal ID for the identity verification portion.

    Honestly though I’d try to reschedule the trip and deal with your local consulate to renew your expired passport. You’re planning on being in Japan for only two weeks which doesn’t give you much time if things go pear shaped.

  2. **EDIT:** Removed because OP was a good sport about fixing it.

    Other than that… I don’t see a problem here.

    >Apply for a single way certificate that gives me entrance into Japan.

    Do this.

    >However, the only downside is that I can enter but cannot come back to Aus since it’s a one way certificate

    You have an Australian passport. You should be entering Australia on that passport *anyways*.

    The general rule of thumb with dual-citizens is that you use the passport of the country you’re entering. So in a more normal situation you would enter Japan on your Japanese passport, and then return to Australia on your Australian passport.

    **EDIT:** Ditto

    >But I am a little sketched out about this as I know Japan does not like dual citizenship.

    You’re a birth dual citizen. They don’t care.

    >Plus, I do not have any evidence of me living in Japan since I never have.

    Don’t need it.

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