Looking for a mixed review (ENG <-> JP) setup, preferably also on mobile

I am studying vocabulary mainly through WaniKani and I am mostly satisfied with the platform, however, my main problem is not being able to mix the review pattern – I am stuck with only translating JP->ENG. As I was looking for a way to also get some ENG->JP reviews, I thought of the Anki Core 2k/6k deck, but to my disappointment the review pattern is also stuck to JP->ENG (I thought Anki is more customizable, but I was mistaken..)

Does anyone know how to set up mixed reviews (ENG<->JP or ENG->JP would also be fine) in a way, so that I could also study on the go? I don’t wanna be stuck to my PC.

Thanks in advance!

  1. [I believe this guide is helpful](https://discoverdiscomfort.com/anki-notes-vs-cards-language-learning/)

    For Anki I assume that you have 6000 notes and 6000 cards now, All you need to do is to change note type to also include EN->JP, You’d still have 6000 notes but 12000 cards

    But remember if you have 2 cards per note and study 20 cards a day you’d be learning only 10 words per day, Thus making both your review and study time higher

  2. > I thought of the Anki Core 2k/6k deck, but to my disappointment the review pattern is also stuck to JP->ENG (I thought Anki is more customizable, but I was mistaken..)

    It is. Make a second card type and put the English on the front and whatever Japanese information you want on the back.

  3. >I thought of the Anki Core 2k/6k deck, but to my disappointment the review pattern is also stuck to JP->ENG (I thought Anki is more customizable, but I was mistaken..)

    You can do anything with Anki, you just have to know how. Main reason why a lot of decks there don’t have ENG->JP is that it is generally not recommended to do this.

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