Anki Cloze+Furigana Question

hi folks,

question about how to use cloze and furigana together in Anki cards for learning Japanese. to generate my cards, I have three fields:

Reading (generated by the Japanese Support Anki Add-On)

The Reading is the same as the Expression field, just with furigana generated, so that I can see how it’s supposed to be pronounced.

The issue is that, to display both the cloze answer (bolded and a different color), I have to include the “Expression” field on the back of the card, and to display the pronunciation, I have to display the “Reading” field on the back of the card. This isn’t a huge issue, but it means a huge portion of the card is taken up by duplicative content – the expression is listed twice, and since having the whiteboard on for AnkiDroid means you can’t scroll the card, it can cause problems with longer expressions.

As you can see from the images at the links, I can either have

1. the Expression shown once with the cloze highlighted,

2. [the Expression shown once with furigana](, or

3. [the Expression shown twice, once with the cloze highlighted and once with the furigana](


The ideal is that the back of the card could display the Expression once, with the cloze highlighted, but also with the furigana. Does anyone know how to do this, perhaps by hiding furigana for the Expression on the front of the card but showing it on the back of the card? Whatever solution I use has to work on AnkiDroid, as that’s where I do all my reviews :\\.

I did look throughout this and the Anki subreddit to try to find this, but if I missed something, please let me know! Thanks.

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