Really basic questions but Google is confusing me

If I wanted to say a sentence with multiple verbs, like, for example, “I want to eat food” would I say, in Japanese

I food want to eat


I food to eat want

Also where would I put an adjective? Does an adjective go before or after a noun?

Thanks so much and sorry for the nooby questions!

  1. “Want to” is a conjugation form, so you would conjugate the verb “eat” using the たい(tai) form. Verb goes in the end, so the sentence would be 食べ物を食べたい。 (food eat-want). You don’t usually say “I” because it’s inferred by context since you’re the one speaking. Adjective goes before the noun. 美味しいリンゴが食べたい。(oishii ringo ga tabetai)(delicious apple eat-want).

  2. Japanese basic sentence structure will generally be [subject] [particle] [adjective] [direct object] [particle][verb]. So in your example: watashi wa karai tabemono o tabetai would be “I want to eat spicy food” . Watashi= I karai= spicy tabemono=food tabetetai= want to eat. Particles are a special Japanese feature that links words together which does not have an English equivalent.

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