German Driving License – Japanese Translation by ADAC


I am going to Japan in spring and want to rent a car to explore Hokkaido.

I have the German driving license and that means that I should provide the domestic license and an official Japanese translation.

The JAF website says ([link]( that the translation can be done by either:

“A) The issuing authority of the license, or the embassy or consulate of the issuing country in Japan

B) Taiwan-Japan Relations Association for Taiwanese license

C) Japan Automobile Federation (JAF)”

If we go for option A, the German Embassy says on its website ([link]( that they do not issue such translations. However, they say that it can be done by ADAC Südbayern e.V. ([link]( located in Munich.

**Has anyone done the translation with ADAC and then successfully used it at one of Japanese car rentals?**

**If not, how long does it take it these days to get the translation from JAF?**

Many thanks & have a great weekend!

  1. Not German but … here in the Netherlands you can go to the ANWB (ADAC) and get a “international drivers licence” for about €20. All this has is some information about you, a photo and about 20 pages of information in different languages which should cover you. Dont know if its the same there but .. maybe something a bit more simple to obtain 🙂

    But do you really need one?
    Last time I was in Japan and rented a car, a few countries were excluded from needing an international licence incl. Germany I believe.

  2. I am American. I had my American driver’s license and my driver’s license from AAA (American equivalent to ADAC).

    You can contact ADAC and tell them what you said here, they can help you with an international driver’s license. You are supposed to have one if you are driving.

    I needed it because we rented a car and also did go-karts in Tokyo.

  3. I had JAF translate it in Japan, it’s a quick and easy process. Took about 20 minutes and costs 3000 Yen. Just look up a local JAF branch on maps and do it when you get there. The pricing might have changed now though so maybe check the official website.

  4. My dad did it in fall. Took about 10 days. Had no problems renting a car with it. He went in person though

  5. I think Corinna has up-to-date Information:

    According to her, option

    A) Japan Experience, 6500 yen, > 4 weeks
    B) ADAC, ~ 70 EUR, ~ 1 week
    C) JAF, 3000 yen, from 2 hrs to 2 weeks (sounds like your best bet is to do it in japan, but it will be hard without speaking/reading japanese)

    IMHO use the ADAC, its the most expensive but it gets results, and what are 30 (additional) euro compared to what the whole visit will cost you

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