Seeking Input

Hi All,

I’m seeking a bit of input from those of you in Japan such that I can better gauge a few things regarding a job offer. I apologize that this may be a bit lengthy, but any and all input is greatly appreciated.

To preface, my wife is Japanese and I’m American, we are both in our early 30s, we met outside of Japan, and we have been living together for the past 7ish years outside of Japan. That being said, as we are getting older and thinking about a family, we have thought a lot about moving back to Japan to be closer to both her family and my own (much closer flight from Japan to home than my current location).

I work in international schools (IB experience, 5-10 years in my field, teaching license but work in a non-teaching role) and as such have found an offer with an IS in Japan. The IS isn’t one of the “big hitters” in Japan (ASIJ/YIS), though it is internationally accredited and offers an IB spectrum education plus 100% tuition for staff children if/when we do have kids.

All of that being said, I have several questions that maybe you can help me answer:

1. Will my prospects for one of the big schools in Japan be increased if I stay at my current school (well regarded, IB spectrum, 2 years already, good recommendations) versus a lower-ranked IS in Japan? I’m curious about the weight some of the better employers put on good schools outside of Japan vs. lower ranked schools in Japan. Does “in Japan” experience count for anything, or better to stay outside at a more highly ranked school rather than in Japan at a lower regarded school.
2. What type of salary is livable for a family/couple in greater Tokyo area? As of now in my location I’m making roughly 600,000 JPY/month (tax-free), paid (and great) health insurance, \~800,000 JPY savings per year not counted in aforementioned monthly salary (social security equivalent school matches my payments). I understand there will be a”Japan tax” and being closer to family, outdoor activities, and conveniences will be worth some of that money. My wife and I are not money mongers, but being able to save a bit, spend a bit, and raise a family is important to us. If we aim to take two big holidays per year (Christmas and summer), save a little bit, and support a family, what type of wage makes the most sense, rather, what is the expected wage in the greater Tokyo area that makes sense for an early 30s family?

I appreciate the long read and appreciate equally any and all input you can give. I’m entertaining an offer now, but to be honest, am not sure the money makes sense all things considered. As of now we can visit as often as we want, and when we do we have money to spend. Living in Japan is the long-term goal, but we won’t forego decent money to do so.

That being said, I would love to hear what you think is a reasonable offer and/or a reasonable paycheck in greater Tokyo and why (if there is a why). Thank you all for the long read, and I appreciate in advance the feedback and input!


  1. These are largely unanswerable questions in their current format.

    Tokyo is the largest metropolitan area in the world. The greater Tokyo area means nothing in terms of accurately budgeting.

    Your specific area and a host of other variables are going to make the decision/math change. That being said, here are the general (mostly useless) answers:

    1. Depends. Generally being in Japan makes it easier to get jobs within Japan, with Japanese run institutions. (Visa type?)

    2. Depends. 8 Million Yen was the bar for “Happy Family” vibes a decade ago, it’s migrated to 10 Million Yen. These are numbers that come up in convos with Japanese friends/aquaintices who are describing a 1 income family, house, SAHM, comfy Japanese lifestyle.

  2. 600,000 to 800,000 yen per month is ASIJ numbers, so any school you get into will be less than that for sure. Did the school not tell you the salary in the offer?

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