Power supply – 220V vs 110V

It’s been 4,5 years that I left France to live in Japan, and I took my computer with me. I have a power supply of 750W (EVGA SuperNOVA 750 G2) and the cable is still EU style so I plugged it in an adaptor that deliver 12A maximum, which is on an outlet that itself deliver 15A max (and 1500W). I didn’t have any problems during those year, not a single time.

However I recently changed quite a few components and it’s been twice that my computer just “randomly” turn off on it’s own in the middle of a game. I thought it was because of overheating but it is not. So figured that it was probably my power supply and that my new components are using more power than 750W.

After checking the consumption of my components, it turns out that it still fine and that it should be able to power all of my components.
– RTX 3080
– i5-12400
– NZXT Kraken x53 watercooling
– 4 fans
– 1 screen / keyboard / mouse

Sooo… I was wondering if any of you had a similar problem while bringing your computer in Japan? Or if there are experts with Watts, Volts, Amper that could help me figure it out? Thanks!

  1. Check the specs sticker on your PSU. Chances are it handles 100-220 and that you are asking in the wrong sub.

  2. If you exceed the 15A, then the outcome is that your circuit breaker will pop open (assuming the outlet is wired to 15A circuit, otherwise I don’t believe Japan has fused outlet). Exceeding 12A rating on your outlet adapter would just melt the adapter.

    3080 on 750W can definitely cause issue though. Recommend 850W or more.

  3. > After checking the consumption of my components, it turns out that it still fine and that it should be able to power all of my components.

    Did you check the other way around?
    I mean in regards to the outputs from the PSU. I’m assuming you might have used a power consumption meter(?) to check the flow into the whole PC, but that doesn’t check what the PSU is sending down the rails to your mono/components.

  4. 1. According to your other comment you don’t need a transformator 220-110V, just change the cable it’s fine, I did it with mine when I brought it from France.
    2. Do you have 2 cables feeding the 3080, or are you using 1 cable with the 2 8pin plugs at the end? 2 cables is better for a 3080
    3. What is your PSU model? it may not have enough power on the 12V rail, thus triggering a power off.

    I have a 5900x/3080/AIO/10 fans, 3HDD 3 SSD in mine, and a 750W was dealing with it fine.

    If you think it’s a temperature problem, get Hwinfo64 and monitor the temperatures.

    (Tu peux me dm en français si besoin)

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