Passed 1 Million Reviews on WaniKani

It’s been 2,509 days. I’m on level 60, have burned 7,138 items, still have 1,949 to go.

Just posting this for all those people who feel bad/inferior because they don’t finish WK in 1 year like Superman/woman. It’s been almost 7 years for me, still not done. It’s okay to go at your own speed.

FWIW, Japanese is the lowest priority of the five languages I use/study every day, so I’m fine with making slow progress.

I will say that lifetime WK subscription was a good deal for me. 🙂

  1. Sheesh

    1m seems quite high for less than 10k cards, more than 100 reviews per card. For comparison, my mature anki cards are usually around 10-20 per card. Do you fail cards often?

  2. > Just posting this for all those people who feel bad/inferior because they don’t finish WK in 1 year like Superman/woman.

    Isn’t it literally impossible to finish wanikani that fast since they gate how fast content is introduced? I thought it took just under two years going as fast as possible.

  3. I reached level 17 today. I’ve burned just over 1000. I got to level 11 in about 4 months then kept at that level while I used bunpro to do grammar. I probably could have been much further along had I not done that 🤣🤣

    Congratulations tho

  4. 1,195 days here and on Level 17. I’ll also add that I’ve always used Anki primarily and have never really consistently used WaniKani until recently, plus I still haven’t gotten up to what I would consider “my level,” so it’s not quite as exciting for me. (For reference, I passed N2 4 or 5 years ago and regularly hold conversations in Japanese with friends.)

    That said, the Lifetime subscription was definitely the right call. I eventually got sick of using Anki for kanji, and even if I’ve gone through RTK several times, I still need to review to keep up with it. I figure I’ll do a level a month if I’m motivated enough and be done in a few more years. It’s less a learning tool and more of a reviewing tool with the occasional new word thrown in, so I’m not in any particular hurry.

  5. Year and a bit for me, do about 120 reviews every day. Just hit level 23, with 1900 burned. Keeping good pace has been key for me so far, honestly surprised I’ve kept going this long. Just started feeling a lot more comfortable reading so that helps

  6. If you make a thread telling it’s ok to be slow and don’t have time to learn languages then don’t add that you’re learning 5 at the same time or it becomes a very cringey humble brag and completely defeat the purpose.

    Literally 30% of your post is you telling that you’re an epic polyglot.

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