Self-study tips to not lose progress?

I recently had to drop my intermediate Japanese class due to over-extending myself for the semester, but I’m nervous that I might regress without class. Does anyone have any suggestions on self-study so I’m not behind when I restart the course later?

We were using Genki II in the class. I was planning to use ToKini Andy’s videos to study the material in my free time, but I want other ways to stay more actively engaged. ありがとうございます。

  1. anki is useful for vocabulary retention

    For catching up, save the tests and the homework you had so far. Then when you want to catch up later, you will know exactly what point to study to in Genki II.

  2. Also a Genki II user! If I were to drop my class, I’d probably use Bunpro specifically as my main method of keeping up with the textbook. If you haven’t used Bunpro before, you can learn grammar and vocab in the same order as most Japanese textbooks. I currently use it to study before chapter tests, but I’d use it to continue doing a few minutes a day of upkeep if I were overextended by work.

    Another option is to take maybe a once-a-week or twice-a-week course on iTalki with an instructor who uses Genki II. You can move at your pace, since you’re the sole student (though group sessions do exist), and you don’t have to take them more often than your schedule allows. No homework (other than what you give yourself to do) so I think this could be a good option if you’ll miss the instructed portion the most.

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