Coins deposit

Mizuho Bank’s machines won’t take coin deposits anymore. What next ? I’ve got approximately ~130,000¥ worth of coin I’d say.

Any thoughts ?

  1. You can either just use your coins (charge you’re pasmo) or go to a teller which till take a fee

  2. Try another bank? IIRC I used UFJ.

    Also to use coins, get yourself a coin organizer, then it’d be easy to pull coins at checkout and you’ll get wow/sugoi sometimes.

  3. I had two piggy banks full, but decided to work through them when the new JP post coin rules started (I used to take them once a year or so). My local supermarket self checkout allows twenty coins of each denomination, so I’d just dump a handful every time I went shopping until they were all gone. Took like six months.

  4. Just use them to pay at supermarkets with machines that count the coins automatically, so they won’t mind.

  5. Use it for your shopping, most convenience and groceries stores take coins and if you insert more than your total you get the change in paper bills.

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