Does you house also collect dust quickly?

Hi! How are you all doing on this nice Sunday?

I have a problem with dust collecting in my house.

I do cleaning every week. But the next week everywhere is as dust as if I didn’t clean it at all. I don’t know why this happens. I have window screens too. They are closed all the time. Windows are open most of the time.

I live on 5th floor of an apartment. There’s a one lane both ways road near my apartment. Also one small park with mostly trees and grass. I am near to sea but there’s no beach or sand nearby.

I live in Kasai/Edogawa.

My house in my home country was very similar to this one in terms of place and floor but it didn’t collect this much dust.

Does you house also collect this much dust too?

  1. Yes I have noticed dust is accumulated quickly after moving to Japan.

  2. Happens to me too. I think there are just more dust particles in the air in Japan than my home country.

  3. Yes, it is dust hell whether I have windows open or closed, in all the places I’ve lived within Tokyo. I considered getting an air purifier but not sure if it would be worth it at all.

  4. Yes. Yes it does. I have to sweep my stairs every three days or it’s look like it’s snowing in my house

  5. Yes. Our house definitely gets dusty very quickly. Ever since we bought a roomba though and run it regularly, we’ve been able to keep a lot of the dust away. I still have to dust and/or wipe a lot of surfaces but roomba has definitely been a life (and time) saver with fighting dust

  6. No I haven’t noticed because I’ve seen way worse. and I’m hairy dude so leaving house uncleaned for a week isn’t an option. my robo cleaner taking care of the floor . while tables and furniture don’t get dirty much. maybe because my place is kind of sealed.

  7. It’s dead skin and hair. Shave your pubic hair to at least prevent having to pick that up from the floor every day.

  8. Very quickly. My office, on the other hand, hasn’t been dusted in 4 years and is still nearly spotless.

    I’m guessing it has something to do with my apartment being next to a 4-lane road and my office being in bumfuck nowhere.

  9. I don’t do nearly enough to prevent dust but I’ve wondered if maybe part of the problem is that I’m air drying my clothes instead of using a dryer, so there’s a lot more dust on my clothes.

  10. I was just ruminating on this yesterday. I’ll dust a surface, and within a day or two it’s visibly dusty again. Was also living in Kasai for a few years, but it’s not much better now I’m in southern Yokohama either.

    Thinking it’s probably regional, as the MIL always comments on it when visiting from Utsunomiya too.

  11. Yes. This has happened no matter where I’ve lived in Japan. There are no carpets too so I feel like it’s more noticeable. I vacuum once or twice a week because otherwise it just gets out of control.

  12. Yeah, a lot. I live in a very rural area and am surrounded by rice paddies and farms, so must comes from dirt from those (one paddy across the street from my house hasn’t been planted this year, they did take a tractor to it and till it and then just left it dry). I went and got some microfiber cleaning cloths and a square mop head from Daiso and just wet mop my house nearly daily. Cuts down on the dirt and dust a lot without me having to haul out the vacuum cleaner everyday.

  13. I think it’s got to do with the 24hr vent system. I lived in 30+yr old apartment for the first 5years of Japan and never had a problem. I’d vacuum like once every 2 weeks (if I was feeling clean lol) and it wasn’t even that bad. Then I started living with my bf who spoils me in lovely new apartments and suddenly I’m vacuuming twice a week. I also notice when we go look at places when apartment hunting, there’s no dust. Probably because the vent system is turned off.

  14. We’re neighbors! Maybe it’s just my imagination but I yeah feel current place (near Kasai station) gets dustier than my previous place (suburbs of Funabashi). Previous place was surrounded by housing but current place has a rather busy road next to it and being higher up I think gives more chances for dust to enter.

  15. Yes, Japan is a much more dusty country than where I’m from. You’ve just got to keep on top of it or accept that you’ll have to do big cleans once in a while. Top tip: wipe with a dry cloth. The dust is mostly soil so it will stain when wet.

  16. We run a few Blue Air units in our place and it controls dust pretty well. Maybe only need to do a quick dust every 3-4 months

  17. Yup. I hoover the floor, 2 days later it’s got clumps of dust again. Myself and a few friends have noticed. Definitely more than the UK.

  18. Dust as in, sand from outside? Or dust as in, clothes particles and skin particles?
    We barely open windows but my wife and I vacuum nearly daily because of all the lint and hair on the floor.
    Should be done daily imo.

  19. I’ve noticed a huge increase in dust since I moved here, compared to Canada.

    I used to dust maybe once a week, if that. Now I feel like I have to vacuum three times a week. Probably doesn’t help that my wife’s hair is everywhere lol.

  20. You are not alone. I am also part of TEN on Facebook and this topic is reoccurring.

    Personally, I lived in London before and even there it’s less dusty.

    I live now in Tokyo though, so I have no experience of how it looks like in the countryside.

  21. My air purifier never goes off. Sleep mode when sleeping, weak mode usually, and strong when I’m cleaning the house.

    It’s a huge difference.

  22. Have you looked into purchasing an air purifier? I think those could help, especially if your windows are open often. Screen doors can’t keep small dust particles out.

  23. Isn’t it natural if you can only clean once a week? Nothing to be ashamed of, those of us who have to work for a living can’t always live an ideal life.

  24. Same issue here. Dust for days even though I literally vaccummed and dusted just a couple of days ago.

  25. I used to live on the Scilly Isles 28 miles from the UK and nothing but ocean on all sides. There was no dust. It was one of the best things about living there except the nickname for the isles “5000 alcoholics clinging to 5 rocks” but no dust. People from the mainland came to the Scillies to experience the freshest air that money can buy. I remember one old lady in her 80’s with health problems and a ton of cash who stayed at the 5 star hotel that I was chefing at she paid £800 a night and asked to have all the windows at night so that she could breathe only the best air. She left £300 tips for all of the housemaids that attended her. Freezing at night so had a layer of duvets night gowns etc to be able withstand the gale force winds that were tearing through her room. She paid well so all good. No dust whatsoever.

  26. It’s such a ball ache, we bought a Sharp Plasmacluster hoping that would make a difference but it didn’t do much. We need to dust down counters every couple of weeks.

    Now I understand the actual meaning of *fresh air*. Makes you think what those particles in the air are doing to your lungs.

  27. Cleaned my room yesterday, the works.
    Wake up with a thin layer of dust on my desk and laptop ;-;

  28. Once a week works for me. An adequate air purifier with HEPA filter helps, too.

  29. I noticed that Jp house ventilation fans for kitchen and toilet had pretty strong suction power, maybe that’s how a lot of small dusk particles come in even through small door n window gaps.

  30. Yep. Not just dust, but grime. I live in the same general area, and right by a major thoroughfare. Nothing can be done about it other than moving.

  31. We have a rescue dog who is probably half husky. This time of year I have to vacuum several times a week, but almost all of the dust comes from her. We have screens on all our windows and they are almost always open. If it weren’t for the dog, I don’t think it would be dusty.

  32. Yes Tokyo is indeed very dusty. It s mostly tiny particles that you don’t see.It s pretty much impossible to avoid them unless you put airfilters (空気洗浄機) in each room and vaccum every day.

    What you can do it to mitigate by doing the following

    – have less clutter around so that it s easy to vaccum

    – put any electronics in an closed box. Plastic somehow attracts dust (maybe because of static electricity?)

    – run airfilters 24/24

    – leave some space between your furniture and the walls, most dust tends to accumulate there because we never vaccum behind furnitures. Then the air moves this dust around and it looks you there s always dust, but it s really just this dust that was always sitting behind your furnitures

  33. I’d say this is pretty common for any big city.

    Side note – for those who leave the windows closed and use aircon, make sure that you clean the hell outta your filter every few months. I was having ‘asthma’ symptoms and was coughing deeply for like ~18 months, which asthma meds sorta controlled but it was abnormal.

    Then I opened up the aircon and cleaned the filter in soapy water (it was gross). My life became normal again.

  34. No, not at all, and I’m also on a similar floor and we are facing east. Our elevation is pretty high though

    I have four of those plasmacluster air purifiers running at all hours though, and I have hermetically sealed my doors and windows in every room with gap tape. But even when we moved in I don’t recall it being extra dusty than our place before

  35. Yeah, even with windows usually closed.

    I lived in 5 different locations in Japan and only my current place has this problem. No idea why but I would vacuum and clean but the next week I can roll up small bundles of dust with my hands again.

  36. Oh good, I’m not crazy. I thought something was weird about my place, but I guess I’m glad it’s not just a me thing.

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