University Tour?

Hello everyone,

I would like to ask, are universities in Japan accept tours inside their vicinities? I mean can we go inside their buildings? It’s just that I want to visit Tohoku University and its International Research Institute for Disaster Science (IRIDes) when I get the chance to visit Northern Japan in the future.

stay safe everyone!

  1. Look up their website and find a professor there that has an English website. You can then email that person and ask if you could arrange a visit. If you are a student in that or a similar field who is interested in their research/projects they may be willing to host you for a tour (likely given by one of their English speaking students). It’s even more likely if you know a professor in your home country who works in that field and who may know a Japanese professor at that institute. Research professors often have colleagues worldwide so start by asking professors at your current (or former) university to see if they might know someone at the institute in Japan you’d like to visit. See Good luck!

  2. The best course of action would be to contact the universities directly. A lot of the big name ones have an international presence and will have someone to contact in English.

  3. There is actually a page in Japanese for that : [](

    They have an exhibition space and they do a tour once a year, but possibly only in Japanese.


    They also have an event page, []( (a bit outdated) and there is one in Japanese [](

    I am not sure what kind of event they usually have in non-covid time, but it might be worth checking.


    Personally, I’ve been to Hokkaido University in Sapporo, just to walk around the campus and went to an exhibition. I think that this is one of the most common thing in general for universities. The first time I went to one of the university in the town where I live was to see one of their exhibition that is open to the public. This is probably the best way to visit an university if you are a normal person, or just go to an event held by the university.

    Then before enrolling in University, I went to visit during the open house day, but it was really intended to prospect student to see around and ask questions about studying there.

    Personally, I would not really try to contact the professors unless you are a grad student with specific interest in that field and maybe want to study there.

  4. A little specific, but when I went during the summer, I met up with a friend at Tokyo University, and they were having their school festival that day. It was a really great experience, and I was shown a decent number of buildings, but it was more an exception and not the rule.

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